Senior Picture Nail Colors

For your senior pictures here in California we're all about casual. Casual is great but you still need to pay attention to your nails. Since your hands will be in a lot of the pictures that means that your nails will be seen. Jagged, 1/2 polished nails just won't cut it. The good news is that thanks to the nail miracle I like to call gel nails, your nails can be perfect!

Right before your photoshoot make sure to make a trip to your favorite nail salon to pamper your fingers and toes. As far as colors, here are our recommendations. The white french manicure is perfect for senior pictures because it is classic and makes your hands look good without taking attention away from your gorgeous face. Other color that look amazing are light neutral tones, light pinks and very subtle neutral toned sparkle.

What is your favorite neutral nail polish color?


What it's like on an LK Photoshoots set?